AVIAN Media Network
Counter Threat Solutions Blog Post

Active Shooter Response: Best Practices for First Responders to Keep Themselves and the Public Safe

Active shooter situations are a growing concern in the United States and around the world. First responders are the primary line of defense in these situations and must be prepared to take action quickly and safely. This blog post aims to inform first responders about best practices for engaging with an active shooter and keeping themselves and the public safe.

Developing a Plan

The first step in responding to an active shooter is for first responders to develop a plan for engaging with the shooter. This plan should include strategies for safely containing the situation, engaging the shooter, and rescuing victims. The plan should also include contingencies for unexpected scenarios.

Utilizing Resources

First responders should also be familiar with the resources available to them when engaging with an active shooter. This includes not just the other responders on the scene but also specialized equipment and the support of local law enforcement. Knowing what resources are available and how to use them effectively is important.


Finally, it is important to emphasize the importance of debriefing. After a situation involving an active shooter, it is important for first responders to come together and discuss their experiences. This allows responders to share their perspectives, identify mistakes, and learn from their experiences. Debriefing can be an effective tool for improving future responses to active shooter situations.

Active shooter situations can be dangerous and difficult for first responders to handle. However, by developing a plan, utilizing available resources, and debriefing after the incident, first responders can be better prepared to handle these situations and keep themselves and the public safe.

At AVIAN, we offer comprehensive training programs and expert guidance to help first responders handle these difficult situations safely and effectively. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you and your team be better prepared for any situation.

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